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Certificate Template Deployment

The following Certificate Templates will need to be created in the Certification Authority console on the TFS-CA01 server:

Template Name Validity Publish in ADDS Additional Security
TFS Labs User Certificate 1 Year Yes
  • TFS-CA01 (Enroll)
  • Domain Users (Read, Enroll, Autoenroll)
TFS Labs Workstation Certificate 1 Year Yes
  • TFS-CA01 (Enroll)
  • Domain Computers (Enroll, Autoenroll)

These Certificate Templates will be used for issues Certificates to the organization. Some will be issued automatically, and the others can be requested by users or devices. The procedure for creating these Certificate Templates is mostly the same.

The settings for these templates will vary based on the needs of your organization, and the settings being used in this guide may or may not work for you. Ensure that you understand what the template settings are and how they will affect the users and devices in your organization.

This entire section is optional. Custom Certificate Templates are not required in most circumstances and not customizing them will not affect the functionality of your Certificate Authority. This section is a prerequisite for the Certificate Auto-Enrollment section. This section can be added at any time in the future if needed.

7.1 User Certificate Template Creation

  1. In the Certification Authority console on the TFS-CA01 server, ensure that the TFS Labs Enterprise CA server is expanded in the console tree.
  2. Right-click on Certificate Templates and then click Manage. The Certificate Templates Console window will open and display the Certificate Templates that are currently stored in Active Directory.
  3. In the details pane, right-click on the User Certificate Template and then click Duplicate Template.
  4. On the Properties of New Template window, click on the General tab. Change the name of the template to TFS Labs User Certificate. Ensure that the Validity Period is set to 1 Year.
  5. Ensure that the Publish certificate in Active Directory option checkbox is selected, as well as Do not automatically reenroll if a duplicate certificate exists in Active Directory is selected option is selected as well.
  6. On the Security tab, click the Add button and add the TFS-CA01 server. Give it the Enroll permission.
  7. Select the Domain Users group and add the Read, Enroll and Autoenroll permissions.
  8. Click the OK button to close the template window.
  9. Close the Certificate Templates console window.
  10. In the Certification Authority console, right-click on Certificate Templates, then select New and then select Certificate Template to Issue.
  11. In the Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, click TFS Labs User Certificate and then click OK.
Ensure that the user has their e-mail address entered into Active Directory, otherwise this certificate will not deploy correctly to the user account.

7.2 Workstation Certificate Template Creation

  1. In the Certification Authority console on the TFS-CA01 server, ensure that the TFS Labs Enterprise CA server is expanded in the console tree.
  2. Right-click on Certificate Templates and then click Manage. The Certificate Templates Console window will open and display the Certificate Templates that are currently stored in Active Directory.
  3. In the details pane, right-click on the Computer Certificate Template and then click Duplicate Template.
  4. On the Properties of New Template window, click on the General tab. Change the name of the template to TFS Labs Workstation Certificate. Ensure that the Validity Period is set to 1 Year.
  5. Ensure that the Publish certificate in Active Directory option checkbox is selected.
  6. On the Security tab, click the Add button and add the TFS-CA01 server. Give it the Enroll permission.
  7. Select the Domain Computers group and add the Enroll and Autoenroll permissions.
  8. Click the OK button to close the template window.
  9. Close the Certificate Templates console window.
  10. In the Certification Authority console, right-click on Certificate Templates, then select New and then select Certificate Template to Issue.
  11. In the Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, click TFS Labs Workstation Certificate and then click OK.

7.3 Active Directory Certificate Services Web Enrollment

The Active Directory Certificate Services Web Enrollment website is a feature that allows authenticated users in an organization the ability to submit certificate requests and download the completed certificates. It can be found by going to the following URL:


The only issue with this website is that SSL should be enabled to allow for the secure transmission of certificate requests and files. Fortunately, the Certificate Authority is now able to issue certificates and a proper certificate can now be requested and applied to this website.

To enable SSL on the Active Directory Certificate Services Web Enrollment website, perform the following steps on the TFS-CA01 server:

  1. Open the Certificates console under the Local Computer Account on the TFS-CA01 server.
  2. Go to the Certificates > Personal > Certificates Store.
  3. Right-click on the Certificates folder, go to All Tasks and select Request New Certificate….
  4. On the Before You Begin screen, click the Next button to continue.
  5. On the Select Certificate Enrollment Policy screen, click the Next button to continue.
  6. On the Request Certificates screen, select the TFS Labs Workstation Certificate and click the Enroll button.
  7. On the Certificate Installation Results screen, click the Finish button to close the wizard.
  8. Close the Certificates console.

Once the SSL certificate has been created for the TFS-CA01 server, it needs to be configured on the IIS server. Perform the following steps to configure IIS to use the SSL certificate:

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console on the TFS-CA01 Server.
  2. In the Connections pane, select the TFS-CA01 server and expand Sites.
  3. Select the Default Web Site and in the Actions pane, select Bindings….
  4. In the Site Bindings window, click the Add… button.
  5. In the Add Site Binding window, use the following settings and then click the OK button:
    • Type: https
    • IP Address: All Unassigned
    • Port: 443
    • SSL Certificate:
  6. Expand Default Web Site and select the CertSrv folder.
  7. In the /CertSrv Home pane, double-click on the SSL Settings icon.
  8. In the SSL Settings window, select the option for Require SSL and then click the Apply button in the Actions pane.

You can easily verify that SSL is working correctly on the Active Directory Certificate Services Web Enrollment page by opening the https​:// page (you can login with a Domain Administrator account). It should be secured with SSL using the correct certificate. If you go to the SSL certificate properties of the web page, you will be able to see that the certificate has been issued by the TFS Labs Enterprise CA and is valid for only 1 year.

AD CS on Windows Server 2022 Guide