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Markdown Cheatsheet

This is a basic Markdown cheatsheet. It does not include every possible markdown option, as those can vary depending on what platform is used. This cheatsheet mostly applies to Hugo.


Headings can have the # character after the header text and it will render the same:

# Heading Level 1

## Heading Level 2 ##

### Heading Level 3

#### Heading Level 4 ####

##### Heading Level 5

###### Heading Level 6

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6

Custom Heading ID

Markdown also supports customizing the heading ID should that be required:

# Custom Heading {#custom-heading-id}

Horizontal Rule

A horizontal rule can be inserted by having three or more -, + or _ characters in a row by themselves:




Bold text can be inserted with two * or _ characters on each side of the text to be bolded:

**Bold text**

Bold text


Italicized text can be inserted with one * or _ characters on each side of the text to be italicized:

*Italics text*

Italics text

Bold and Italics

Text can be bolded and italicized with three * or _ characters on each side of the text to be highlighted:

**Bold and italics text**

Bold and italics text


To strikethrough text, insert two ~ characters on each side of the text:

~~Strikethrough text~~

Strikethrough text


Ordered List

Ordered lists work just like a regular ordered list in HTML:

1. Ordered list item one.
2. Ordered list item two.
3. Ordered list item three.
  1. Ordered list item one.
  2. Ordered list item two.
  3. Ordered list item three.

Unordered List

Unordered lists work just like regular unordered lists in HTML:

* Unordered list item one.
* Unordered list item two.
* Unordered list item three.
  • Unordered list item one.
  • Unordered list item two.
  • Unordered list item three.

The list can use the -, *, or + characters.

Task List

Tasks lists can be added list a normal list with the [ ] characters to represent an unchecked box, and [X] characters representing a checked box:

- [x] Task list item one.
- [ ] Task list item two.
- [ ] Task list item three.
  • Task list item one.
  • Task list item two.
  • Task list item three.

Nested Lists

Nested lists can be created by inserting four spaces before the list item:

* Unordered list item one.
    * Unordered nested list item one.
    * Unordered nested list item two.
    * Unordered nested list item three.
* Unordered list item two.
* Unordered list item three.
  • Unordered list item one.
    • Unordered nested list item one.
    • Unordered nested list item two.
    • Unordered nested list item three.
  • Unordered list item two.
  • Unordered list item three.

It can also be mixed with ordered lists as well:

1. Unordered list item one.
    * Unordered nested list item one.
    * Unordered nested list item two.
    * Unordered nested list item three.
2. Unordered list item two.
3. Unordered list item three.
  1. Unordered list item one.
    • Unordered nested list item one.
    • Unordered nested list item two.
    • Unordered nested list item three.
  2. Unordered list item two.
  3. Unordered list item three.

Definition Lists

Definition lists can be created by using the : character on a separate line after the header:

Term One
: Definition One

Term Two
: Definition Two

Term Three
: Definition Three
Term One
Definition One
Term Two
Definition Two
Term Three
Definition Three

Ensure that there is a blank line between list items if there are multiple items.



Blockquotes can be created by using the > character:

> Blockquote


Inline Code

Code items can be inserted inline for reference purposes:

A `code sample` can be inserted into a sentence.

A code sample can be inserted into a sentence.

Fenced Code Block

Larger blocks of code can be used by wrapping the content in three backtick characters at the beginning and the end:

    echo "Hello world";
    echo "Hello world";

Markdown also offers syntax highlighting depending on which version is being used. Hugo supports several languages. In this example, PHP syntax highlighting is used:

    echo "Hello world";


Tables can be inserted by using a | to represent the columns and at least three --- characters to create the header for the table:

| Cell | Cell | Cell |
| Cell | Cell | Cell |
| Cell | Cell | Cell |
| Cell | Cell | Cell |
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell

The cells in the table can be aligned by using a : character on the header to set the alignment for the column:

| Cell | Cell   | Cell  |
| Left | Center | Right |
| Left | Center | Right |
| Left | Center | Right |
Cell Cell Cell
Left Center Right
Left Center Right
Left Center Right


Footnotes can be created by inserting the reference point ([^1]) for the footnote and then inserting the content with the same reference:

This sentence has a footnote that is referenced at the end of the page.[^1]

[^1]: This is the footnote that was referenced.

This sentence has a footnote that is referenced at the end of the page.1

To create a link in Markdown, enclose the link name in brackets ([]) and then immediately with the URL in parentheses (()):


Link titles can also be added within the parentheses if required:

[]( " Homepage")

Links and email addresses can also be quickly created by enclosing a URL or email address in angle brackets <>:




Images can be created by adding the alternate text and the image path in text brackets and parentheses starting with an exclamation point ![]():

![ Alt Text](/images/miscellaneous/markdown/markdown-cheatsheet/docs.png) Alt Text

Optionally, a title for the image can be added with the path of the image:

![ Alt Text](/images/miscellaneous/markdown/markdown-cheatsheet/docs.png " Title")

  1. This is the footnote that was referenced. ↩︎